Sunday, September 28, 2008

Still in Block Island

It's Sunday and we didn't get any of the wind predicted, so today we'll move back to a mooring ball. The seas are still churned up outside, so we'll wait until tomorrow to move to another location in Long Island Sound.

Guess back home you're going to get Tropical Storm Kyle. Batten down the hatches! Hope you don't get hit too hard.

I think once we start moving, we'll keep going as fast as we can to get past New York. If we can get down the Jersey coast and into the Chesapeake, we'll be home free. From then on it's inland. Although we've been stuck here in Block Island, we have met some very nice people who gave us lots of advice on places to stop.

We haven't seen the sun in quite a while, but I think after this stuff goes by, it'll be smooth sailing (so to speak) hahaha. The big story on the island here was the wedding that was planned for the weekend. Because of the heavy seas, the ferry was stopped, so the guests (and caterer) couldn't get here. The bride cried for two days and the wedding was postponed until Sunday. Luckily there was a break in the weather and the ferry came on Saturday morning, the wedding was back on for Saturday afternoon and went off as planned. Yesterday afternoon and evening we could hear the music and laughter in the distance. Glad it all worked out for the new bride.

We spent yesterday afternoon watching DVD movies then were joined by Heather & Pete and Matthew & Monica for cocktails and supper. We'll see what tomorrow brings...

1 comment:

Screw you fibromyalgia, depression and pain...I' m going to live my life! said...

Have not checked your blog in a few days and was not aware that you are still at Block Island. You could have come and stayed here and waited for all this mess to blow over. The girls are both away at college and I have two empty bedrooms! Let me know if you are still stuck because i can come and get you on ths side of the ferry anytime. Sorry for not offering sooner. Thought you had moved on.Email me at Or call my cell 508-277-6901
